Dec 21, 2017
On this episode, Matt summarizes his thoughts about the Last Jedi and tries to keep spoilers to a minimum. He also responds to some of the biggest criticisms of the film, including the charge that the movie is too politically correct. This is an interesting tie in with a common theme in Biblical Apologetics. Is the...
Dec 6, 2017
On this episode, Matt gives 10 predictions for The Last Jedi. Matt also make a wager with the audience. If the show gets over 100 listens, he will dress up as a star wars character (a.k.a. coz play) when he goes to see the film. What are your predictions? Which character should Matt dress up as? Connect with us...
Dec 4, 2017
Looking at geek culture through the spyglass of faith is the new mission of the show. Matt briefly tells about the conceptual journey of the Telescope Podcast and how it was the continual listenership that brought him to resurrect the show. Matt also mentions that a Star Wars centric episode is in the works, as The Last...