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Nerdy Folks Podcast

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Apr 26, 2023

Matt and Katie talk all about the Mandalorian Season 3 Finale, particularly about what it means to be adopted. They also laugh about the fact that most of their predictions did not come true, though it does not stop them for making more predictions for the future of Star Wars. 

Apr 19, 2023

Matt woke up and watched the Mandalorian season 3 finale at 4:00 a.m. This episode contains his first thoughts. This is a spoiler-free episode! 

Apr 12, 2023

Star Wars Celebration left the world awash in announcements for new Star Wars content. Matt and katie talk through some of the biggest news and share their thoughts on the Mandelorian. 

Apr 5, 2023

Matt is joined by co-host Ethan Palmer for this episode. The duo discuss their favorite moments from Antman: Quantumania and speculate about how the events of the film could play into the next Avenger's Film, which is titled Avengers: Kang Dynasty.