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Nerdy Folks Podcast

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Mar 27, 2024

Video games are amazing vehicles for storytelling, and now, many of these stories are being adapted for the big and small screen. Matt, Katie and Ethan have some fun on this episode tring to guess the names of some of these games based on their description. How many can you guess? 

Mar 20, 2024

Matt and Ethan discuss flying bugs in Helldivers. They also go through a list of the top grossing games of all time including Mario Cart, Tetris, PUGB, the Witcher 3, Overwatch, Grand Theft Auto and Minecraft. Finally, they discuss the possibility that life is just a Virtual Reality.

Mar 13, 2024

Matthew and guest co-host Ethan kick off a new series on gaming! They share their personal history with gaming and wax nostalgic about playing on an old-school PC and Sega. They also discuss current games like the Hell Divers, which took the gaming world by storm this year. 

Mar 7, 2024

On this episode, we discuss some of the best hero and villain matchups. We also dive into some movie and TV news for Dune, Marvel, Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Alita Battle Angel. Finally, we hit the idea that villains often become the catalysts for heroes to rise up. Similarly, adversity can grow us in...